Thursday, June 2, 2011

Baby Update!!

We just had our 2nd doctors appointment!!! I now know everything there is to know about having a baby.  I love the Doctor that we are seeing and I love the whole office full of nice people.

We had our 2nd ultrasound and baby Mathis is now 2" long and has a nice healthy heart beat.  See for yourself how beautiful our baby is.....

Ha Ha Ha!!! For real here is Baby Mathis (can you guess what that arrow might be pointing to in the second picture?!)......

Baby Mathis 2" Long

Baby Mathis's Mystery Object Spotted

Here's a Close-up....

Close-up of Mystery Object

So we DO NOT officially know what we are having but the Doctor and Nurse both said there is a 75% chance that our baby has a PENIS!!!!  Tune in next appointment for a confirmation.


  1. Haha love the first pic! I guess I was wrong about it being a girl...maybe.

  2. I totally posted a comment on here the first day it went up, but I guess it got lost in the bloggosphere... here's what it said: "Did somebody say PENIS??! I guess my predictions were wrong, but the name baby chaquita still might apply under the circumstances! haha. Yay for my might be a nephew!!" Love yall!
