Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I've Got a Baby Ninja!!!

I am around 16 to 17 weeks along in my pregnancy.  It's around that time most pregnant women start feeling some baby movement.   For the past week and a half I've been patiently waiting to feel some baby action.  
And finally 5 min. ago I was laying in my bed reading this great book "The Help" and all of a sudden I felt THE KICK!!!  Not a flutter and not gas, it was a real KICK!!!  Then 2 seconds later came another KICK!!!  I got so excited I had to get out of bed and share it with the world!!!!  

So basically my BABY NINJA is just perfect and already very athletic.  

Here's a recent photo of me and my Baby Ninja.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hello my name is Connie Mathis and I am a Food Hoarder…..

I’ve recently noticed a new habit I’ve picked up since being preggos.  I now hide snacks and goodies EVERYWHERE.  
My purse is filled with Granola Bars (and M&M’s). 

My office cabinet is filled with trail mix (and Ghiradelli Chocolate).  

The middle console in my car contains cheese crackers.  And I sneak away and hide every time I need a little snack.  Not sure why I feel like I have to be sneaky  about snacking these days.  Maybe it’s because every time the people in my office see me eating they start oinking, or maybe it’s because I catch people staring at my stomach all day long.

So I’m officially coming out of the closet and not hiding anymore!!!

Yes I do eat every 2 hours!!
Yes I have been known to leave my house just because all of a sudden get a craving for McDonalds French Fries and a Coke. (I know I’m not suppose to have caffeine)

Yes I do send my husband out to buy Mambas from the gas station at 8pm in the evening cause I NEED THEM!!  And trust me he doesn’t put up a fight cause he needs them too. 

And Hello World,  I know you are secretly snacking too so spill the beans and let me know what you’re snacking on these days!!  I might want some!!