Here are the 5 steps to take when registering for things you will need when having a baby.....
#1. Day One: Take your husband to Best Buy which happens to be in the same shopping center as Babies R Us. Sweetly mention, "Oh there's Babies R Us, lets swing by there and check it out." Check out the rockers (it was a long walk from the parking lot and it's summertime in Florida). Check out a few strollers, get overwhelmed. Check out a few car seats, get overwhelmed. Let your husband get excited about selecting a baby monitor (it looks like a t.v.!) Leave Babies R Us.
#2. Day Two: Create your registry online at Babies R Pick out 3 things, including the baby monitor your husband fell in love with and something made from organic cotton. Get excited, then get overwhelmed, get confused, get frustrated. Log off, turn the computer off and head to the kitchen for some ginger ale.
#3. Day Three: Call all your friends with kids and ask them what you should register for. They will tell you that you don't need half the stuff you think you do.
#4. Day Four: To Be Continued....... Moms out there, please suggest one thing you couldn't live without. (wine doesn't count)